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What can I do while volunteering in North East India? The ultimate guide

Introduction: Volunteering in North East India – Why Volunteering Matters

Volunteering is a great way to make a difference in the world. It also helps the locals by providing them with needed support and expertise. It is also a good way to learn about new cultures and make friends from across the world. 

Volunteering opportunities in North East India are plentiful. One can find jobs like teaching, research, or even volunteering for NGOs. Volunteering is a great way to make an impact in your community and get hands-on experience in a field of interest. 


It is a great way to explore different cultures and new places. Volunteers are often needed in North East India to help with animal welfare and wildlife conservation. They are also needed in orphanages, schools, communities, etc. There are many volunteering projects that you can choose in North East India. 

Where to Volunteer in North East India

Volunteering in North East India is an opportunity to experience the rich and diverse culture of the North East. There are many volunteering opportunities in the North East that range from teaching to health care and conservation.
Some of these opportunities are:
– Teaching English in a rural school or teaching mathematics to children in a slum. 

– Helping with community development projects such as setting up a library or building a toilet block for schools.
– Working with NGOs on health care initiatives like providing medical services, educating communities on sanitation and hygiene practices, distributing mosquito nets etc. 

What Kinds of Projects are there for Volunteers?

There are many volunteering projects that you can choose from when deciding where to volunteer. You can work with animals, help out in an orphanage or teach English as a second language in a school for example. North East India is rich in biodiversity, with a huge variety of animal species to be found. Some of these include the Indian rhinoceros, the Asiatic black bear and the one-horned rhino. Many endangered species are found in North East India such as tigers and elephants which are both listed on the IUCN Red List. There are also an abundance of birds to be found. You can also do research on the culture and environment of the region or work with an NGO on development projects like building homes for the poor. 

Conclusion and final words on volunteering in North East India

Volunteering in North East India can be a life-changing experience.
It is not just about the work that you do, it’s also about the people that you will meet and the culture of North East India. Final words: 

Volunteering in North East India has been an eye-opening experience for me, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to explore this part of the world

2 thoughts on “What can I do while volunteering in North East India? The ultimate guide”

  1. Hi, im really interested in volunteering activity. Im a physiotherapist i could help the community in many ways. Im ready for long or short stays with rural people so that i can learn their culture, diversities and local languages. I could exchange my knowledge and experience with them. Thankyou


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