What can I do while volunteering in North East India? The ultimate guide
Introduction: Volunteering in North East India - Why Volunteering Matters Volunteering is a great way to make a difference in the world. It also helps the locals by providing them with needed support and expertise. It is also a good way to learn about new cultures and make friends from…
The Ultimate Guide to Gap Year Programs and How They Can Change Your Life
Introduction: What is a Gap Year? A gap year is a period of time that people often use to undertake an unpaid educational or vocational leave of absence before they start their careers. Often referred to as the "Year Out," participants take this time to travel, learn new skills and…
India and the West’s Differences in Staying Fit at Different Ages
Introduction The West tends to focus on fitness as a way to maintain a healthy lifestyle (staying fit). This includes exercising and eating right. However, a large part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is investing in social responsibility. For example, the West doesn’t seem to get it that yoga and…
The Complete Guide to JOMO, Self Care and Travel Happiness for Millennials
Introduction: How We've Become Addicted to Social Media and Why It's Bad For Us: Social media has allowed us to connect with people we never would have before. But it also has the power to create FOMO - Fear of Missing Out. The fear of missing out is a modern-day…
The Complete Guide to Hiking & Trekking as a Fitness Activity and why is it so popular?
Introduction Hiking &/ Trekking is a fun and soothing outdoor activity. Where do people go for a long walk? Hiking trails, pathways, modest inclines, natural settings, and, of course, the mountains. Hiking is primarily for the purpose of enjoying nature, and there is no set distance to hike. Sometimes people…