Introduction: How We’ve Become Addicted to Social Media and Why It’s Bad For Us:
Social media has allowed us to connect with people we never would have before. But it also has the power to create FOMO – Fear of Missing Out.
The fear of missing out is a modern-day epidemic, and it’s not just affecting our kids. It can be hard to resist the pressure when all your friends are posting about their amazing vacations on social media, or when you see influencers that you follow posting about their perfect lives.
The fear of missing out, or FOMO, is a common feeling in our society. We are constantly comparing our lives with others and it can cause anxiety or depression. But we have to resist this false comparison and be true to ourselves. We need to take the time and understand what we want, not what our friends want or what the influencers FOLLOW.
There are many ways to combat FOMO. One way is to reject fear and find joy by living in the moment. Another way is to resist false comparisons by remembering that everyone has their own unique journey and problems.

FOMO is the fear of missing out: JOMO is the joy of missing out
FOMO is a feeling of discomfort or loss resulting from knowing what one’s friends are doing and an obsession that those friends are having more fun than oneself. It is not a new phenomenon, but the proliferation of social media has amplified it.
Social media platforms have taken over our lives and with every post, we see on Facebook or Instagram, we feel like we’re missing out. But does social media really create FOMO?
Some psychologists say yes, but in reality, there is no such thing as FOMO because it’s not possible to know what your friend is doing at all times. However, there are ways to resist the temptation of false comparisons and find joy in your own life without worrying about what others are doing.
The term FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is not new. It has been around for a while and it is a common phenomenon. But with the way that social media has evolved, people are now more susceptible to FOMO than ever before.
In order to resist these feelings, one must reject fear and find joy in what they do have instead of focusing on what they don’t have.

Why You Should EMBRACE the Self-Care Trend. The JOMO life.
There are many ways to combat FOMO. One way is to reject fear and find joy by living in the moment. Another way is to resist false comparisons by remembering that everyone has their own unique journey and problems.
The term JOMO is a portmanteau of the words “joy” and “fear”.
JOMO is about embracing the idea that life is not about maximizing one’s pleasure, but rather minimizing one’s pain. It promotes the idea of taking a break from your busy life and living in the moment.
Here are some best value destinations for your next vacation:
1) The Road Less Travelled: Emerging Destinations (upcoming)
2) Spend a Little, Save a Lot: Best Value Destinations next (upcoming)

Top 8 ways on How We Can JOMO our Way to Happiness:
The Joy of Missing Out is a new trend that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is about embracing the benefits of having less and enjoying the things you have more.
Some people find it hard to prioritize The Joy of Missing Out because they feel like they need to do more, be better, and keep up with everyone else. That’s why we’ve come up with a few ways that can help you prioritize The Joy of Missing Out.
1. Have Deeper Connections, be open, and get creative:
We should not feel guilty about missing out on some things that we might regret later. Instead, we should embrace the idea of being able to slow down and enjoy the moment. This will also allow us to have a better understanding of our surroundings and make memories that will last a lifetime.

2. Get Clear About Your Priorities:
The world is a big place full of possibilities. That’s why it’s so easy to become overwhelmed and feel like you’re missing out on all the amazing things happening all around you. But there are some ways that can help you prioritize the joy of missing out right now.
3. Create a Joyful Space:
One way is by creating a joyful space where you can relax and escape from everything else. Create a space that makes you feel happy and relaxed. It could be your bedroom, your favorite coffee shop, or even your garden. a space that brings you joy.
4. Schedule A Recurring Weekly Self-Care Practice:
Another way is by scheduling a recurring weekly self-care practice that will help you stay on top of your mental health. Schedule time to take care of yourself each week, whether it’s going to yoga or cooking a healthy meal for yourself. This will give you back some of the energy that you may have lost over time.
5. Living in the Moment, absorb, immerse yourself in good experiences :
Living in the moment is not as easy as it sounds. We are constantly bombarded with distractions and worries about the future. But there are ways to prioritize living in the moment right now.

6. Set a goal:
Set goals that will make you happy and feel accomplished like writing down three things you love about yourself every day or volunteering at an animal shelter twice a month.
7. Travel Solo:
A lot of travellers are embracing the joy of missing out. This is because they get to enjoy their travels more and have a more sustainable experience. There are many benefits to traveling solo, but one of the most important is that it encourages spontaneity. You can’t be spontaneous if you’re constantly worrying about what you’ll do when you’re alone. If there’s one thing that I’ve learned from traveling solo, it’s that there is a lot more to life than work and technology. It’s important to take time for yourself and enjoy the little things in life, like reading or streaming your favorite TV show on Netflix.
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Travelling alone can be a liberating experience. It is not surprising that millennials are increasingly engaging in “JOMO” – the joy of missing out.
8. Avoid Boredom by reading, taking a walk in nearby parks, socialise more:
And finally, another way to prioritize the joy of missing out right now is by avoiding boredom by reading and instead focusing on your priorities, introspecting, getting creative, and having deeper connections with people in your life.

Conclusions on JOMO:
We live in a world that is constantly bombarded with messages about what we should be doing. This can lead to a feeling of overwhelmedness and anxiety, which can lead to some negative effects on our mental health. JOMO defines the pleasure of taking a break from social engagement, particularly social media, to spend personal time.
There is no need to feel like you are missing out on life because you are not following the latest trends or don’t have the latest technology. It’s important to take time for yourself and prioritize your joy right now. 78 percent of millennials actively engage in JOMO, which means 3 in 4 millennials prefer to spend money on experiences over stuff.